Dear reader here we are providing some question on coding decoding which can helpful in your upcoming exam
Directions-(1-5) Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code 'best way to win' is written as 'ad mi ja no', ' the way to hell' is written as 'ku ja ig ad'. 'win of the day' is written as 'be ku zo mi'and 'to sell of night' is written as 'be Ii ya ja'.
1. What is the code for 'sell'?
(1) be (2) Ii (3) ya
(4) ja (5) Cannot be determined
2. Which of the following may represent 'hell is way'?
(1) ig ad no (2) ig py ya (3) re ad be
(4) ig li re (5) ad re ig
3. �mi� is the code for
(1) to (2) win (3) way
(4) of (5) Cannot be determined
4. What is the code for' best'?
(1) ad (2) mi (3) no
(4) ja (5) Cannot be determined
5. Which of the following represents 'of the way'?
(1) ku be ad (2) rni be no (3) ku be ya
(4) mi ku be (5) be mi ad
Directions (6- 10) Study the following information and answer the questions given.
In a certain code language �lu ja ka hu� means �we provide study material�, �fa ka la ju� means �we score maximum selection�, �la fu ja ju � means �study score the selection� and �ju lu na fu� means �selection of the material�. Then:
6. What is the code of �score � in this code language?
(1) ju (2) la (3) fa
(4) ka (5) Cannot be determined
7. What is the code of �provide � in this code language?
(1) hu (2) lu (3) ka
(4) ja (5) Cannot be determined
8. What is the code of �provide of maximum�?
(1) na hu fu (2) fa hu na (3) fu lu na
(4) hu fa la (5) Cannot be determined
9. What is the code of �we the� in this code language?
(1) ka fu (2) na hu (3) ka na
(4) hu fu (5) Cannot be determined
10. What is the code of �material� in this code language?
(1) hu (2) lu (3) ja
(4)ka (5) Cannot be determined
Solutions (1-5)
word | best | way | to | win | the | hell | of | day | sell | night |
code | no | ad | ja | mi | ku | ig | be | zo | li/ya | ya/li |
1. (5)
2. (5)
3. (2)
4. (3)
5. (1)
Solutions (6- 10):
Word | We | Provide | Study | Material | Score | Maximum | Selection | The | Of |
Code | ka | hu | ja | lu | la | fa | ju | fu | na |
6. (2)
7. (1)
8. (2)
9. (1)
10. (2)
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